Ranger and Young Leader Camp 2024

In June, a group of Young Leaders and Rangers from across the county came together for our third annual MNW Ranger and Young Leader Summer Camp! The weekend was held at Phasels Wood Activity Centre and was a mixture of adventurous onsite activities as well as lots of activities to complete the Rangers Bushcraft interest badge. We had a great mixture of Rangers and YLs, with 22 young members joining us from across the county. We even had three young members who had enjoyed previous events so much that they joined us for just one night after attending their year 13 prom on the Friday! 

The young members arrived on the Friday evening with time to pitch their tents before dinner, then after dinner we headed off to activities straight away! One group headed to Crate Stacking whilst the other group headed to the Rifle Range. After their first activity the young members all hung out in their tents playing games, chatting and getting to know each other.

A weekend to experience new things and have fun with new friends and old friends. The leaders could not do any better at their jobs, we are so grateful for all they do for us” – Ranger/Young Leader (Hatch End District) 

On Saturday morning, we had a relaxed wake up and breakfast and then started working on our Bushcraft skills. First the young members worked on their tracking skills and set trails for the leaders to follow through the woods. The next task was to make a rope out of natural materials to hold a bucket of water with all groups making a rope strong enough to hold a full bucket! They then had some time making things out of clay using natural materials such as leaves and flowers to make impressions and add texture. There were some lovely creations made by all. 

Really great opportunity to get to know people in a beautiful setting” – Ranger (Hatch End District)

For lunch the young members made Pita Pizza which they wrapped in foil and cooked over the fire.  After Lunch, they split into two groups with half the group heading to the Nightline and half learning some whittling skills. They then used these whittling skills to make wooden hedgehogs. It was the first time a lot of the young members had done whittling and it was great to see how quickly they all picked up the new skill. The group then switched over so everyone got a chance at everything. The young members then practiced their fire lighting skills learning to light a fire without matches using different techniques. 

Brilliant event, I had an amazing time! The leaders made every bit of it great and I loved learning new things, making friends and enjoying the outdoors!  – Ranger (Hatch End District)

After an early dinner the young members then headed to their evening activities with the groups getting to do the other activity they didn’t do the night before as well as everyone getting a chance to try the Rolling Rock.

We then headed back to our pitch for a campfire, where everyone enjoyed lots of singing and S’mores! The young members then headed to their tents and one group decided to spend the night sleeping out under the stars.

I enjoyed sleeping under the stars and the campfire and making new friends as I knew no one. I also enjoyed the climbing activities such as high ropes, rolling rock as they were very fun.” – Young Leader (Stanmore District)

In the morning, we had an early start so we could head out to more activities before we had to pack up and say goodbye. The young members once again split into two groups getting a chance to go on the high ropes and the archery range. We then enjoyed lots of snacks before one final push to get the tents taken down and packed away. After this we had a lovely closing ceremony and everyone headed home, exhausted but having made new friends and having a great weekend.

An amazing weekend with lovely leaders, enjoyable activities especially crate stacking, and lots of fun! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!” – Ranger (Eastcote District)

“All the different activities and meeting new people and cleaning the pots at the end of the weekend was fun” – Ranger (Eastcote District)

A massive thank you to Ciara, Jenni and Piper for volunteering over the weekend and all the amazing young members who attended and got stuck in to make it a truly great time, we could not have done the weekend without you!

I enjoyed being with my friends and other rangers. I would like to thank Alice, Piper, Ciara and Jenni for providing us with fun activities and fantastic food.“ – Ranger (Hatch End District)

“Great Experience, Meeting other girls from other units, the Leaders are lovely and supportive” – Ranger (Harrow Town District)

“The event was amazing as the activities were really fun and I made lots of new friends. Big thanks to all organizers for putting the events on.” – Young Leader (Stanmore District)

Alice, Ranger Advisor – Girlguiding Middlesex North West