Harrow and Pinner Division Campfire

In July, Harrow and Pinner Division came together for a very wet evening at Willow Tree for our Division ‘campfire’.

Although the wet weather meant we couldn’t have an actual campfire we didn’t let it dampen our spirits with around 100 young members from 13 units across all four sections coming together to have an indoor campfire instead!

We also didn’t let the rain stop us from enjoying some S’mores, two Rangers from North Harrow Rangers ran the S’mores station to ensure everyone still got to toast some marshmallows!

It was very well organised and lots of fun for everyone involved” – Ela, Young Leader at Rainbows

Everyone got into the singing as well with leader Helen along with Rangers from North Harrow Rangers and 16th Harrow Rangers leading the singing for the evening.

I loved being able to help out with the younger sections” – Rose, Ranger 

It was a great evening with fun had by all! A massive thank you to Chris and Jane who spent most of the evening outside in the rain directing cars, to Nicky and Janet who helped pack everything away after the event, to Helen and the Rangers for leading the singing and the S’mores and to all the leaders who attended with their units, everyone who attended got stuck in and helped out where needed to make the event a success! Also a massive thank you to all the young members who attended, despite the rain there was no complaining, lots of smiles and laughter and everyone threw themselves in to the singing enthusiastically!